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Life is not wonderful , therefor it is .





2008-07-11 22:17:25|  分类: Dev Mem |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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It depends on what you want to achieve and how deep you want to get. Personally, I think JScript is the safe choice, but Python is making a case for itself.

JScript is small and concise which makes it easy to learn. It's a consistent language with very few exceptions to it's own rules (unlike VBscript). It's very versatile as it addresses XSI, the command line, and web development. It's also one of the more popular (read: documented) languages should you need additional resources from a friend or bookstore. You can build your own custom objects and work with them in object oriented ways. JScript has similar syntax to C/C++/Java in case you want to minimize your relearning for future endeavors. It also comes out of the box with XSI. Whenever I professionally students in XSI scripting, I teach using JScript for the above reasons. I'm not sure what other people's experiences are, but every major production I've worked on that uses XSI has used JScript as it's language of choice.

VBScript is largely tied to Microsoft products, so if you move to Linux or some other platform, you might have to pick up a different language depending on what your tasks are. VBscript is not a consistent language and it's constructs tend to differ from most other languages. It's more function based than object oriented even though it has both. While many examples in the SDK docs are VBScript, as XSI has matured JScript and Python are becoming more commonly used in examples as it better reflects what users are actually using.

Python - powerful as it comes with many of it's own libraries. People are adapting to it. Not me personally, but I can see why people would use it. Just be aware you have to install Python yourself if you're going to use it with XSI. Like JScript, Python is object oriented and is quite versatile, but it's a little more on the recent side compared to JScript which is more mature.

I'd recommend evaluating languages in this order:


I say JScript first because if you really need something powerful or better performance than what JScript can provide, chances are you're looking at a compiled language such as C/C++, not another scripting language. I have nothing against Python, but it's not as widely used, that's why I place it 2nd. I strongly discourage use of VBscript except when you're painted into a corner with no other option.....even then I might choose death Regardless of what language you choose, majority of the time you'll be working with the XSI object model, not the individual language extensions. The language is mostly important for communicating with other applications, GUI's, and API's outside of XSI.



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