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Mental Ray 3.8 - iRay : The next level of rendering is here  

2009-12-26 00:08:05|  分类: Softimage |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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官方原帖 , 演示视频 , 相关问答(一段采访对话)
mental ray 3.8里新加入的iray是世界上第一种准实时、可交互、基于物理真实、照片级渲染的解决方案,配合Nvidia的gpu加速技术,几乎就是小型的RealityServer。iray支持所有mia_material标准的材质,也支持使用meta SL编写的shader。面对这样的神器,我要蛋定,祈祷XSI下一个版本就把这些新特性都融进去!
  Interactive Photorealistic Rendering Technology

iray? is the world’s first interactive and physically correct, photorealistic rendering solution. With iray, users can quickly create life-like images of their creations by using intuitive, real world approaches and interactively exploring their results through the processing power of NVIDIA? graphics processing units (GPUs).

As a ready to integrate solution with ties to industry standards, iray enables software developers to rapidly add exceptionally fast and productive photorealism to their products. With iray, interactive realism is now a reality.

iray accelerates the creative process by accurately simulating the physical world, enabling designers, engineers and consumers to use materials, lighting and settings that truly resemble what they experience every day. iray makes this process interactive by progressively refining the image until the desired detail is achieved, becoming increasingly faster as more GPUs are employed, enabling the play of light, shadow and reflection to be studied.

As part of mental ray? 3.8 – the predominant ray trace renderer used on feature films and within the leading design and content creation tools of Autodesk, Dassault Systèmes and Parametric Technology – iray is poised to become an industry standard for visually simulating the physical world. Companies can join this upcoming convergence by adding iray directly to their products (directly or with mental ray) or by utilizing iray within their RealityServer? applications.

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