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Softimage 2011 SP1  

2010-06-18 19:30:23|  分类: Softimage |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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See below the fold for the complete list of fixes.

UDEV00255606 Crash while transforming boolean elements
UDEV00256310 Regression in Boolean behavior
UDEV00246940 Cannot see painted vertex colors after vertex color property modified by another tool
UDEV00247045 ClusterProperties do not resize properly on topo change if a CustomOperator are set to the texture projection
UDEV00257973 extreme lag when moving pivot using alt key in scale mode
UDEV00257773 Boolean operation crashes Softimage
Data management
UDEV00257530 Cache Manager – Adding a cache to an object that has an Audio Clip returns an error
UDEV00257308 Cache Manager – Write – Branch select is not considered in Multiple selection
UDEV00257307 Cache Manager – Write – When Attribute list is empty selected attributes stay identical
UDEV00256625 Cache Manager – Write – “Attributes” list doesn’t clearly display which attributes is stored for each object
UDEV00256623 Cache Manager – Spaced out the numbers preceding the object names in the object lists
UDEV00257172 Cache Manager – *.cacheslist should not be default file extension for the read cache browser
UDEV00257169 Caching Save Cache to Mixer button create an unused imageclip
UDEV00255923 ReadAnimationCache – Can add badly formed path sequence
UDEV00256620 Cache Manager – Write – been able to select a group or hierarchy (in branch) and add the contents to the list
UDEV00257539 [CER] Refmodels – Crash with Scene explorer Open
UDEV00257564 [CER] Crash when testing the Displacement Ocean shader node.
UDEV00257278 Put a PointCloud on a RefModel, do some color modifs. then update the RefModel -> Simulation is wrong
UDEV00257310 CRASH when undoing delete model ( specific )
UDEV00257231 Refmodel we cannot export a ref model’s delta in the current project.
UDEV00257346 The “Models to Reconnect To” parameter of RefModel not working with multiple models targets
UDEV00257362 Crash when adding CustomPSet to offloaded RefModel
UDEV00257180 New Layer or Partition configuration is not persisted with Reference Model objects
UDEV00257688 Texture Layers ports are disconnected when loading an older scene in Softimage 2011
UDEV00257368 FBX – imported file from previous version of the format has mesh faceted
UDEV00257166 XSI Crosswalk FBX export hard/soft edge problem
UDEV00257951 FBX – Linux – Crash importing using HardEdges Enable
UDEV00257726 FBX – Crash importing Shape Animation
UDEV00257715 Crosswalk needs to increment to version 5.1
Face Robot
UDEV00256437 FaceRobot > Assemble doesn’t work on Korean Locale
UDEV00257200 FR Script Error pop when doing Clear Fast Playback Cache
UDEV00257358 Fx : plug-in operators are missing
UDEV00257149 Hang with scene search
UDEV00257519 Crash when editing new Layout
UDEV00257483 Regression – unable to dolly when looking through a spot light without an interest constraint
UDEV00257217 Regression from 2010 | items missing in the Modify texture menu
UDEV00257374 Softimage does not display proper texture in VM when user changes texture imageclip in an override property.
UDEV00255873 memo cam causes XSI to crash ( scene specific )
UDEV00257651 Default character models’ Keyable Params and Key Sets are not correct
UDEV00257657 Shader preset manager mixes up shaders and class IDs when you have SPDL custom shaders in a workgroup
UDEV00258079 Custom realtime shaders does not load in SP1
UDEV00257908 Crash | ICE cache files with Motion Blur Crash
UDEV00257618 Regression – ICE volume rendering – Particle_Gradient_FCurve is not working
UDEV00257208 Enable to load a volume shader in Mental Ray
UDEV00257507 Crash when rendering an ICE Tree
UDEV00257677 Changes to pass shader parameters force the renderer cache to empty
UDEV00257621 invert flag in texture layer editor does not get set in 2011 from 2010 resulting in different rendered result
UDEV00257499 Regression: Crash when using Render Region with “Toon Paint and Host”
UDEV00257315 Crash when selecting a clip if the rendertree is active
UDEV00257216 Setting frost samples to 1 produces artifacts
UDEV00256792 RTS | Ultimap_Preview node logs SiWarning upon creation
UDEV00246516 Exporting Shader Compounds Loses Japanese Strings
UDEV00257573 CgFx Shader – Crash Loading specific Shader
UDEV00257207 DirectX Viewport freeze after Screen saver when “On resume, display logon screen” is enable
UDEV00257610 Crash when setting Photometric cd/m^2 Factor to zero
UDEV00257606 Display problem with the Projection Lookup Node
UDEV00257425 There is no “SimpleShader_CGFX.scn”
UDEV00257271 python stops working correctly when I use xsibatch
UDEV00257114 Fast Light Effects – Projected texture flips as you move/animate the light interest
UDEV00257254 Editable option in the ShaderCompound properties doesn’t anymore
UDEV00257292 multiple camera groups aren’t picked up inside models
UDEV00257677 Changes to pass shader parameters force the renderer cache to empty
UDEV00257571 [CER ] 36427081 | race condition on render cleanup/restart which can lead to a crash
UDEV00257572 [CER] Crash when viewing lightmap preview
UDEV00257825 32-bit Softimage does not load shaders from “nt-x86″ folder of workgroup addons
UDEV00257319 Crash when switching from mib_photmetric with profile to mia_photometric
UDEV00255527 Shaders disappear after changing workgroup
UDEV00257882 Rendering | Pointcloud is not reading attributes being used by the clip
UDEV00257204 Crash when rendering standins and scrubbing the time line
UDEV00257418 Crash: Render region with standins and GI
UDEV00257734 Crash when Rendering Standin
UDEV00255524 Problems when loading shaders from Plugin Manager
UDEV00254446 Material overrides only works with the first layer
UDEV00257781 Camera Lens Shader Items are duplicated each time you undo a camera movement
UDEV00257874 Crash changing flow texture color with render region open
UDEV00257807 Rendering | Black renders when 2 shaders classes uses the same DLL/shader
UDEV00257743 Softimage hangs indefinitely loading a scene containing shaders which are not installed.
UDEV00257771 CER | 37267480 | Crash when changing hair strands with preview render window open
UDEV00257236 Satellite rendering is not properly opening up a connection with Softimage
UDEV00257972 SDK ICE: CIndexSet iterator not initializing properly
UDEV00257954 SDK ICE: ICENode.ExposedPorts[0] drills down through all compounds (SDK)
UDEV00257953 SDK ICE: ICE Port Dirty States Not Working with Multiphase/Element Generator Node
UDEV00258113 ICEAttribute::IsDefined() always returns true
UDEV00257533 SDK ICE: Few problems with ICE nodes
UDEV00256186 XSIApplication.ActiveToolName doesn’t return the precise BrushTool mode when using PaintVertexColorTool
UDEV00257626 XSI::ClusterProperty::GetValues() crashes Softimage when querying an EnvelopeWeight property for values
UDEV00256436 Folded Lines of code not displayed in script editor
UDEV00256968 RefGuide: ClusterProperty.Elements.1.vbs Example – for loop index variable is wrong, and script doesn’t work.
UDEV00257745 SDK Command: XSI.Application cannot access XSI commands not created by the Framework
UDEV00258051 RBD | Freeze loading a specific scene
UDEV00257925 RBD | 2010 Client Scene Crash on load in Softimage 2011
UDEV00258112 ICE-RBD | Wrong default values for static, dynamic and elasticity coefficients
UDEV00257701 ICE | Crash renaming Set Data node
UDEV00257506 ICE | crash duplicating bone with ICE tree that sets length (branch connection)
UDEV00257642 ICE | Kinematics workgroup : fixed compounds and new sample scene
UDEV00256992 ICE |connecting to texture_projection_def broken
UDEV00257613 Regression – unable to write to a custom param from ICE tree
UDEV00257598 ICE-RBD | Angular velocity is clamped at ± PI rad/s
UDEV00257432 ICE particles – alpha blended point sprites not depth sorted properly
UDEV00257403 ICE | Crash! Create an ICE graph then put one of the object in a Model
UDEV00257369 ICE | GetData chaining invalidation issues
UDEV00257417 ICE | Graph is not updated when CopyPaste ICE Tree
UDEV00257153 selecting the weightmap name rather than the .weights in ‘Filter by Weightmap’ ICE compound causes crash
UDEV00256913 cannot create symmetry mapping templates if deformer’s kine is ice driven
UDEV00256099 ICE-Kine | Crash when relocating ICE operator in stack.
UDEV00256432 ICE | Sometimes the graph is invalidated when dragging some nodes on it.
UDEV00255965 ICE | Tree does not reconnect after save and reload
UDEV00257279 ICE | kinematics : compound needs update
UDEV00257132 ICE | Crash when deleting Scalar ICE node under certain conditions
UDEV00257496 Cannot set implicit bone’s length attribute using this.length
UDEV00257946 ICE | Crash when deleting Compound after exporting private
UDEV00257864 ICE AngularVelocity rotation is inversed
UDEV00257751 ICE Cache crash when loading point locator attributes
UDEV00257752 ICE Cache | Unable to cache persistable attributes
UDEV00257833 XSI can crash while connecting ICE nodes
UDEV00257404 ICE | Tree not evaluated correctly after writing to custom parameter
UDEV00257753 ICE | Negative zeros can be displayed
UDEV00258260 Multi-phase Ice Node Fails to Execute
UDEV00256388 I can’t run 2011on FC12
UDEV00257201 LINUX | No Icons visible on the Essential Skills videos page
UDEV00257094 LINUX | Audio defects when scrubbing or playing frame by frame
UDEV00257094 Linux : Now using OpenAL for Audio (resolves issue when scrubbing or playing frame-by-frame)
Tools /Setup
UDEV00257631 JA localization: Japanese character truncated for Help > About Autodesk Softimage > Build Version (UI)
UDEV00257240 XSI crashes when starting from command line with a scene parameter
UDEV00257965 Essential movies don’t open from Netview
UDEV00257964 Windows7 | 64-Bit | Scripting engine would fail to initialize on certain W7 systems causing a crash on startup
UDEV00257775 CER call stacks for 64-bit systems are often corrupt or incorrect
UDEV00254555 RefGuide: SITransformation.AddLocalRotation > in_bIncrementEulerAngles arg info is missing in the SDK Guide
UDEV00254399 RefGuide: The example for AddVertexColor is badly indented
UDEV00249925 SDK Doc: ArrayParameter not shown in Parameter page
UDEV00245887 missing HW shaders example
UDEV00257126 Japanese Softimage Guide : translation incorrect in “Working with OpenEXR HDR Images in the Fx Tree”

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