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(XSI addon)高级重命名插件/DF Renamer for XSI (Python)(download)  

2010-08-09 20:06:06|  分类: XSI Addon |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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如果你需要按照某种序号方式重命名,例如name_03_xxx ,name_05_xxx ,name_07_xxx……很简单,在新名称框里填"name_[num]_xxx",我把[num]做成了数字填充的关键字,就像其他类似软件中使用的"#"(如ACDSee),在第二页里padding设置里把填充位数设成2,计数起点设成3,计数步进设成2,然后按下应用(新名称)按钮![num]关键字不仅可以在新名称框里使用,所有输入框包括前缀、后缀、插入、替换都可以,任何你需要数字自动填充的地方,你都只管把[num]写进去吧!

Dafeng_Renamer is a rename plugin for XSI , 'EN' is English Version , and 'CN' is Chinese .This Plug-in offers a series of ways to rename objects . You can rename(of cause),add prefix or suffix , insert characters , search and replace , or replace slices of strings (from start position to end position  you defined) , change character case.
If you need a certain pattern of padding number in new names , like name_03_xxx, name_05_xxx, name_07_xxx……, that's easy , type in "name_[num]_xxx" in Newname text Box , I made '[num]' be the key word of padding number . like '#' in some other applications (ex. ACDSee) . In Padding tab , set Padding digit = 2 ,Padding Start = 3 ,Padding Step = 2 , then click the rename button ! '[num]' is not only for Newname , it can be used in all input text boxes include Prefix /Suffix /Insert /Replace . Any where you need padding number , just input [num] there !
There are more Informations about "Auto Fill Underline" and Insert / Replace at the end of this article

下载地址/Download Link:
中文版 : Dafeng_Renamer_CN
English Version : Dafeng_Renamer_EN
download from Autodesk Area ( registration required )
若使用Softimage 2010或更早的版本,安装此插件之前你可能需要先安装python
You may have to install python before install this plug-in if you use Softimage 2010 or older version .

菜单位置/Menu Button:MCP>Edit>DF Renamer
(XSI addon)批量重命名插件,XSI_Renamer (Python)(download) - Antonieo - Antonieos

插件界面/Plug-in UI:
(XSI addon)批量重命名插件,XSI_Renamer (Python)(download) - Antonieo - Antonieos(XSI addon)批量重命名插件,XSI_Renamer (Python)(download) - Antonieo - Antonieos

使用细节/Details of Usage:

自动添加下划线/Auto Fill Underline:
When adding prefix\suffix or inserting characters , enable Auto Fill Underline , a "_" will be placed between input string and origin string automatically , e.g. add prefix "new" to "name" , it will be "new_name" . If insert "new" into "name" at position 2 , it will be "na_new_me"
When names are too long or have different length , then you want to insert a string at the third position in last , you may or must have to count from the end , set the Insert Position a negative number can make it , -1 means the first position in last , -2 means the second , and so on.
Fixed Position mode can replace a silce of string , Fix Start and Fix End are used to define the range of slice . Same to Insert , you can use negative number to count from the end .
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