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很给力!Softimage 2011.5!  

2010-09-20 15:04:18|  分类: Softimage |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Autodesk官方原帖:Introducing Softimage 2011.5 With LAGOA!!

(Send to和nCache是针对Maya互通的关键)

Here is the list of new features and changes in 2011.5. There might be one or two small things missing, (including what’s changed in the SDK) but this is what I have so far:

ICE for Artists
Lagoa Multiphysics
Polygonizer meshing
Stereo Cameras
Match Mover

Scene compatibility with Softimage 2011
? New features only found in the 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack will be removed on load in Softimage 2011

? Revamped Main Shelf
? Improved Panel Switcher
? Updated Layouts
   o PPG instead of MAT tab
   o Preset Manager added
   o One new Dual layout
   o No ICE Layout
? Viewcube
? Isolate Selection enhancements
   o Add or Remove objects from Selection

? Film Gate
    o You can now see outside scene camera frustrum
? Stereo Rig
    o Includes camera display options and display modes

? Object View Changes
    o New option to "Hold last Selection"

? New "Polygonizer" to mesh point clouds, objects, nulls, strands and curves
    o Point cloud meshing can be tweaked using Lagoa Fluid Shaper.

? Infinite lights now support raytraced soft shadows
? New Render Tree compounds
    o Age Percentage
    o Basic Fire
    o Cigarette smoke
    o ICE Sprite
? Material Presets
    o Basic_Fire
    o Basic_Strands
    o Bubbles
    o Cigarette_Smoke
    o Falling_Leaves
    o Growing_Strands

Data Management
? Caching
    o nCache support - Reading and writing of particle and geometry caches
    o new Baked Animation - All Transforms option on the Write tab in the Cache Manager lets you cache the object’s point positions in global space.
    o Particles > Simulation > Save Cache on Simulation and Load Cache on Selection options for Lagoa simulations
? Reference Models
    o Share layers and partitions on model import
? Crosswalk
    o Updated to version 5.5
    o FBX
       Plot and export point positions as a geometry cache
       Import geometry cache

Match Mover
? A high-quality professional camera tracker

Softimage Composite
? HDR compositor with support for stereoscopic productios; Include advanced keying, color correction, tracking and 3D compositing tools


ICE Module Menu
? ICE for Artists!
    o A new ICE module menu toolbar facilitates building common ICE effects: particles, deforms and kinematics. Using the menu structure, artists can see nodes and compounds connect automatically in the ICE Tree, and create or modify Lagoa Multiphysics materials and other preset effects.
    o Create and edit Particles, Lagoa, Deformations, Strands, Kinematics. All the menu items are too long to list here.

Lagoa Multiphysics
? New samples scenes
    o Lagoa_Basic_Emission
    o Lagoa_Emitting_Liquid
    o Lagoa_Flexible_Structure_01
    o Lagoa_Flexible_Structure_02
    o Lagoa_Inelastic_01
    o Lagoa_Inelastic_02
    o Lagoa_Mesh_Hanging
    o Lagoa_Simulate_Mesh
    o Lagoa_Soft_Body
    o Lagoa_Transform_Constraint

ICE Models
? Found in install path \Addons\ICEFlowBuilder\Data\Models
    o Asteroid Impacts
    o BasicFire
    o Candle
    o Cigarette
    o Dynamic Hair
    o EmitFromPosition
    o EmitFromSurface
    o Lagoa Flexible Structure
    o Lagoa Inelastic
    o Lagoa Mesh Hanging
    o Lagoa Simulate Mesh
    o Layered Fumes
    o Particle Spawning Fireworks
    o Particle Strands Fish
    o Particle Strands Seaweed
    o Polymesh to Dust

ICE Tree
? New option in ICE Tree Root context menu to "Insert simulation root"
? Backwards connecting between ICE nodes and compounds now possible

ICE Basics
? The following conversion nodes now support arrays:
    o 3D Vector to 3x3 Matrix
    o 3D Vector to 4x4 Matrix
    o 4D Vector to 4x4 Matrix
? Matrix Labels on the main diagonal only now display the label “Diagonal”
? Material Properties
    o ICE now properly sets various color parameters on material shaders.
? ICE Interoperability for Maya Users
    o The “Send to” commands let you transfer scene elements from Maya to Softimage, and then use ICE to create particle or deformation effects
    o You can transfer data back and forth as often as you like as you tweak the results.

ICE Kinematics
? New ICE Toolbar Commands
? New Turret Constraint
? You can now use Particles to Transform Objects

ICE Deformations
? New ICE-based Deformations
    o Bend
    o Deform by Curve
    o Sculpt
    o Smooth
? ICE Toolbar Commands
? Deformer Template
    o A quick and convenient starting point for creating your own ICE-based deformations.
? Dual Quaternion Skinning
    o A new Use Blend Input option has been added
? Get Cluster Attributes
    o The Get Cluster Properties compound gets various cluster properties on the self object.

ICE Compounds
New or Updated compounds and files

? Particle Compounds
    o A new Simulation Root compound is “central station” for ICE simulations, upon which the new ICE Module Menus are built
? Conditionals
    o Test Visibility From Camera
? Curl Noise
    o Add Potentials
    o Apply Curl Noise
    o Curl to Force
    o CurlNoise Framework
    o Directional Flow
    o Distance and Normal to Boundaries
    o Match Solid Boundary
    o Perlin Turbulences
    o Potential to Curl
? Emitters
    o Emit Blast
    o Emit from Geometry
    o Generate Points
? Modifiers
    o Kill Particles
    o Randomize Around Value
? Orientation
    o Billboard Orientation
? Point Cloud
    o Remove Initial State
? Presets
    o Basic Strands From Curve
    o Basic Strands From Geometry
    o Basic Strands From Null
    o Basic Strands From Position
    o Dynamic Strands
    o Growing Strands
    o Lagoa Setup Basic Emission from Null
    o Lagoa Setup Cloth Particle Mesh
    o Lagoa Setup Jello from Grid
    o Lagoa Setup Jello
    o Lagoa Setup Pouring Liquid from Volume
    o Lagoa Setup Sticky Paste from Volume
    o Lagoa Setup Throw Breakable Structure from Grid
    o Lagoa Setup Throw Elastic Clusters from Grid
? Setters
    o Set Particle RBD
    o Set Segment Size Mode
    o Set Size relative to Emitter
    o Set Strand Length
? Spawning
    o Spawn Particles
? States
    o Simple State
? Strands
    o Create Strands.2.0
? Deformation Effects
    o Bend
    o Deform by Curve
    o Deformer Template
    o Sculpt
    o Smooth
? Deformation Getters
    o Get Cluster Attributes
    o Get Particles Transform
    o Transform From Array
? Polygonizer
   o SubFrame Deformation From Cloud

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