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Life is not wonderful , therefor it is .





2012-09-06 15:33:56|  分类: CG |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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This was posted on the 3dPro list from Chris Vienneau of AD:

"Hi everyone,

Amino has been showing up in a technology preview we have called Skyline which is a games animation authoring system. You can find plenty of videos online. 

We are still working on the technology preview with a small number of customers. Nothing ready for prime time yet. Games animation is hard for the record. 

ICE in Maya is an engineer's worst nightmare as ICE was years of work and hooking into Softimage was a big chunk of that work. 

What I can say is that anyone interested in FX in Maya and what is happening with Naiad (anyone?  ) should contact me or Kamal Mistry and we can discuss.""

At least on the surface they admit it isn't as easy to just port ICE to Maya and years of work as well. Anything regarding MayaFX in my eyes is just a continuation / extension of dev on their FX tools.

“ICE in Maya is an engineer's worst nightmare as ICE was years of work and hooking into Softimage was a big chunk of that work. ”

“What I can say is that anyone interested in FX in Maya and what is happening with Naiad (anyone?  ) should contact me or Kamal Mistry and we can discuss.”
——我只能说,如果谁对Maya特效或者Naiad的处境有兴趣的话,可以联系我或Kamal Mistry(另一位AD开发人员?)进行讨论。
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